Monday, January 4, 2010

They're Back! (at school that is)

First day back to school after Christmas break. I frankly was not looking forward to today. Many mom's probably don't feel the same way but it isn't that I don't like the hours to myself (I do)...they are not exactly lady of leisure hours true enough...I guess I don't enjoy the slamming into the school morning rush. It is still dark for one. And its super cold right now. And school days don't end when they come home. There is usually residual known as homework for the evenings. We have issues with adhd also. More and more I have considered homeschooling options. It used to be me balking at that. Now it is my kids. Not that they don't like some of the features of homeschooling. The biggest draw back in their point of view is missing other people interaction.
So here we are back to the if you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him and he will gladly tell you...and He doesn't resent my asking but I do need to believe He will tell me and not be doubtful (james 1:5-6). There has been alot of doubting perhaps in the decision process. So many pros and cons for all forms of schooling and I have been checking them out. As for today they are back. As for today there are numerous things waiting for my attention here at home and out and about. So time to get on with the ones I haven't touched yet this morning because I am not homeschooling and can arrange my hours accordingly...

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