Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More on Heels (this time the bread end kind)

I caught myself midstream about to believe a lie today! Did you know that contrary to what I would like to believe, French Toast made with bread ends has just as many calories as French Toast made from the other parts of the loaf of bread?!!  There seems to be a theory in the Motherhood life that if it is food children won't eat and I do therefore eat it, it will be calorie free. Oh and won't count as food eaten so I can still eat a full meal besides.
Wow! How often do I tell myself that? I don't really say it to myself but it is part of my belief system evidently since smooth as melting butter in a hot skillet, I was about to eat the piece made from the heel of the bread as I slipped it from the spatula! Because it was made from the heel. Because no one else here would likely want it (how picky is that?) and I had made it to use up the rest of the egg mixture anyway.
And knowing full well I would eat more after they left for school and my husband for work.
Truth just kind of ran interference for me today. Just blocked that piece of untruth manifesting as an extra piece of calorie filled French Toast from entering my mouth. At least from entering without foreknowlege of what I was doing (believing something untrue). The French Toast heel is still on the plate. I did eat some F.T. before everyone was gone but only 2 slices this time no 3rd piece believing I am "obligated" to eat what the others won't so food isn't wasted. I guess in the name of a good deed or mom martyrdom there are no calories either...
Finally Moms (and others), what ever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good reports, virtuous and praiseworthy, meditate on these things, and the peace of God will be with you... Phillippians 4:8-9 (my paraphrase). No more just going through the motions when I am cooking. I should pay attention and not  nibble on what I am cooking to make sure it tastes good and then because it really does eat some more! How fun is that?! Not at all! Ok all things in moderation then. I will still test and taste of course but but pay attention and not lie to myself that it doesn't count. How is that?

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