Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho (it's off to church we go)

And let's be happy about it! Every mom knows the saga of preparing to go out the door,
TO BE ON TIME TO WORSHIP GOD, and look pulled together, with baby clean, changed and for many of us baby's siblings as well. How many times did I say "Don't you go outside to play now! Stay clean!" As if they couldn't find a way to get dirty staying inside, clever kids with their built in dirt magnets....
Meanwhile its checklist time:
                                 kids all fed
                                 everyone clean and dressed
                                 quiet snacks packed                 
                                 extra clothes for every child    
                                 wet wipes                              
                                 quiet toys 
                                 paper and pencils
                                 Bible (as if I will get to open it)
Ok, ok, I'm ready to go. Let's go. You all get in and buckle up. Oh my gosh! I 'll be out soon. I have to change the diaper again and baby's outfit and try to wash off the spit up and blow dry my outfit...
"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16
There were times when it hardly seemed worth it but what held me fast was wanting them to know from early on- This is what we do as a family. As part of our worship we gather with other believers.
Hang in there! Establishing values takes time, but in the end is so worth it. (and just so you know, while age 18 may be legal adult age it is not the end yet) And I really never believed it when I was told, but it is true this baby/toddler time will be over before you know it. Take it one day at a time. Breathe and pray and try to enjoy even the crazy moment stuff knowing your own character is being built in the mix by God who makes it all work out for good cause we love Him and are called for His purposes.


  1. this is me every sunday and every other day that i have to take them out lol

  2. Thanks for commenting! It may seem silly but I get really happy just knowing someone reads this blog..
