Friday, January 22, 2010

Rub A Dub Dub (there's a ring in the tub)

Absolutely adorable! That's how she looked at about 2 years old while I was pregnant with our 5th baby. We had mud puddles fresh from a summer storm and with a pair of boots, shorts, sweat shirt and head of blond, tossled curls she proceeded to wade, then splash in one at the corner edge of the grass.
How fun! But in the end she was mud head to toe. And dirty as she was, my love did not diminish. No. Into a tub of water to clean up. And it couldnt be a simple playtime soak. It would be a leave a ring in the tub kind of bath. She needed a thorough cleaning-a head washed and behind the ears kind of cleaning.
I remembered that as I read Gods word and and felt a behind the ears cleaning of sorts. His love was not diminished. His love "took me to the tub" and I was washed by the water of the word. And the ring in the tub well He washed that away too. What a loving Daddy He is.
Do you see it? He isn't harsh about it. Just like I took my little girl and wrapped her up to dry, held her close, then got her dressed, He doesn't leave us shivering and dripping. He is tender and loving and puts His clean robes of righteousness on us. He sprinkles us not with baby powder but with the fragrance of His love. Then sets us loose to "go play but stay out of that puddle". Turns us loose to live.

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