Monday, January 11, 2010

Cervical Pillows (and high heel shoes)

I could have called this "What goes around (comes around)". If  any of you remember my note on "Every Wind of Doctrine" on face book a few months back, I mentioned rolling a little towel or blanket to place under my childrens necks when they were grade school age and younger, as they laid on their backs to sleep. All in the cause of straight teeth...I didn't keep it up for long. Now flash forward to 2010. I have visited the chiropractor and she has not only advised but provided a cervical pillow for me to use as I sleep at night. You might have guessed, even if you have not used one, its purpose is not to grow my teeth in straight! No it is to help in the treatment of realignment of my back which shows some scoliosis and the misalignment of my hips and neck causing numbness in my arm . I honestly had to laugh as I sat in her office and she let me know this was how I would be sleeping. It is pretty much along the lines of the towel behind the neck idea...Well kids just so you know, God has provided not revenge, no. Let's see what is the word? I guess a taste of my own medicine! I know more than one word.
Though perhaps those years of pregnancy and nursing babies may have had to do with some of the misaligning...No guilt intended but just was about 23 of my 55 years all total. And then carrying all the needed equipment around like diaper bags stuffed because I was like a boyscout and always needing to be prepared...and carseats and snowsuited children...Poor me, I know!
In all fairness though, I do also love high heels! I mean I really do! And I was also informed on my now second visit "no heels higher than 2 inches". I wanted to pull a tape measurer out right then and there because I of course had my fairly new high heel boots on. Silly me even wearing them to the chiropractor but I figured there is no point pretending I wear flats all the time. Because honestly unless its flip flops or very occaisionally tennis shoes, I wear shoes or boots with a heel. The bright side is I will get some new shoes! Did in fact find a pair of super cute low heel winter boots on clearance which are drying from their waterproofing as I write. I don't expect to never wear my heels ever but will wear them much less and I will continue using my new torture pillow. I did write torture and it isn't- but it is a big adjustment no play on words intended.
 I am looking at a verse in Amos 7;7-8 where God is showing the prophet a plumb line  and is using it to measure the straightness of his people. I need to continually use His word to straighten my life. To keep it aligned if you will with the things that He says are right and good. And just the way He is using some natural things to straighten my back, I can do daily things to make spiritual adjustments too. It makes me function better in every way though it may be uncomfortable at first. But in this case maybe since it took a while to get in the shape I am in I can expect a bit of pain before my gain. I was warned about that and do find it is true. So wouldn't you say it's best I do the daily stuff so it isn't a worse pain later? I am trusting you to be honest with me- I am guessing none of you are making a chiropractic commission here! And you probably don't sell newbalance shoes or such. Ladies what are your favorite shoes? Are they always the most comfortable? Do you go primarily for function? Or do you go for fashion statements in your style? I could do another whole thing on shoes alone and maybe someday will but it is time to pick up Lily from school! Oh and the boots I had on? They were a 3 inch heel. One inch too high!

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