Thursday, January 28, 2010

Of Cars (and 15 passenger vans)

Never as a teenager through early twenties did my driving anything larger than the family station wagon enter my mind. And driving the station wagon while part of the privilege of being a driver in the house was only ok because I was a new driver and happy to be allowed to drive at all!
My own first car was a push button plymouth bought from my grandparents. And then it was the need for a car that eventually led to meeting the man who would become my husband. (a story for another time). Our first car was a little green vega which served us well and was eventually traded up for an eagle about the time we had four kids. It was totalled in a terrible 13 car accident during a white out one winter where a semi jacknifed across the highway. The settlement from that gave us the down payment on a mobile home moving us to the Valpo area just in time to start our first child in Christian School.
We were a one car family until we had our fifth baby when I began praying for my own car and found a really good deal on a small dark green vega station wagon. Up until then Marty was working long hours at our business quite a distance away, so getting kids to any thing was hard as well as my OB visits or grocery shopping ect. So I saw this as a NEED and prayed for it as such since I knew the promise of God to "supply all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus". I prayed for the car I wanted down to color and price as I remember it.
Soon after I began noticing every evening as we prayed before bed Jeremiah 7 years old at the time, would pray for a red van. And I mean every evening he would ask. I asked why red? He told me because it was the color of the blood of Jesus...One night Marty came home from work and said "Come see what is out in the driveway!" And there it was a beautiful red mini van! Given to us free and clear! Praise God!
As awesome as that is  (and it is still awesome!) I will make a general observation about how the circumstance we are at in life sometimes dictates what vehicle is exciting to us.  
As time went on we developed an unofficial outreach which had us taking neighborhood kids to church with us constantly. We moved up to full sized vans to 15 passenger vans (great for road trips with a large family too) (prompting me to question as I tried to park that at a grocery store- "What's next Lord? A semi truck?")  We even owned a bus for a while. Embarrassing for the kids I am pretty sure.
We are back down to moderate size vehicles now. A jeep for Marty and a pretty malibu for me. Both blessings albeit not free and clear this time. We have driven big vehicles, small vehicles fancy cars and junky cars.
Maybe I wil paraphrase Ecclesiastes 3
To everything there is a season
A time for every purpose under heaven:
There is a time to drive small cars
There is a time to drive vans
There is a time to drive crummy cars (well used maybe even abused)
There is a time to drive new cars ( or gently used)
and I have to laugh as I see verses 3 and 4
A time to kill (how many times did I kill the motor learning to drive our stick shift)
A time to heal
A time to break down!
and A time to build up
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance!
Bless you all and may you have vehicles that do NOT break down and may all your needs be met through Jesus Christ who loves you!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rub A Dub Dub (there's a ring in the tub)

Absolutely adorable! That's how she looked at about 2 years old while I was pregnant with our 5th baby. We had mud puddles fresh from a summer storm and with a pair of boots, shorts, sweat shirt and head of blond, tossled curls she proceeded to wade, then splash in one at the corner edge of the grass.
How fun! But in the end she was mud head to toe. And dirty as she was, my love did not diminish. No. Into a tub of water to clean up. And it couldnt be a simple playtime soak. It would be a leave a ring in the tub kind of bath. She needed a thorough cleaning-a head washed and behind the ears kind of cleaning.
I remembered that as I read Gods word and and felt a behind the ears cleaning of sorts. His love was not diminished. His love "took me to the tub" and I was washed by the water of the word. And the ring in the tub well He washed that away too. What a loving Daddy He is.
Do you see it? He isn't harsh about it. Just like I took my little girl and wrapped her up to dry, held her close, then got her dressed, He doesn't leave us shivering and dripping. He is tender and loving and puts His clean robes of righteousness on us. He sprinkles us not with baby powder but with the fragrance of His love. Then sets us loose to "go play but stay out of that puddle". Turns us loose to live.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All The Dirty Dishes (where do they all come from)

Sing it to the tune of  the Beatles Eleanor Rigby...
Dishes sparked a discussion of sorts (really it was not a fight) this morning before Marty left. They were pretty stacked. I was out yesterday most of the day and the kids at school. Then one fell asleep right after getting home and the other was fighting a cold and I still had dinner to make late in the day creating yet again more to add to the pile. Then I sat with Marty to watch a 2 hour, 2nd day, new season of 24. (Yes I was shocked and sickened at the end- in fact woke up thinking about it in the night)  After the show, I helped with homework.
Did you know you can build not only trash sculpture by strategic placement of trash in the can that really is already full, but dish sculptures as well? Even with washed dishes on the dish drainer. Artsy minds in avoidance mode...
Any way the discussion began something like this:
Marty to me: What are you going to do today? as we stood in the kitchen near the sink.
Pause there one second ladies because I almost always react poorly to this question! If not outwardly then certainly inwardly. I have, however, been listening to CDs in my car as I am DOING what I have to DO in order for kids to get places, food to be brought from afar proverbs 31 like, cars oil changed, chiro apt ect. These CDs are on communication differences in marriage and I am realizing now that this many years old question asked in our 32 years of marriage is likely not meant as "You never do anything! Look at these dishes and we have a huge pile of papers to organize and so on and so forth..." which is how I hear it.
Perhaps my husband has really just been interested in what I plan for my day. You know. Maybe because I am his wife he wants to be involved and just know about my day. This is not to say he wants all the details I would like to give him because he is a guy not a gal and just wants the overview at that point. (Another thing that is frustrating if I let it be.)
So with that in mind I can pivot in my response. I can assume the best of him and respond without malice or defending myself like a hissing cat. I can be matter of fact and look for conversation later on instead of harboring resentment all day long about the brevity and the question. I can let our day start well and set the tone for us all to be blessed. And then I can get going with the dishes and the rest of the stuff in my day. Which I did just for the record.
The wise woman builds her house
The foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. Proverbs 14:1
I want my house built and strong and secure. I do not want to do or say things that weaken I will look for God to give me wisdom and keys that unlock understanding. Just that little turn of the key, that bit of understanding the difference between how we communicate can make the difference between building or tearing. In this series the speaker describes it as men hearing, seeing, doing, thinking "blue" not wrong or bad just different from women. And women hear, see, do, and think "pink". Not better. Not wrong or right in comparison to men. Just different from each other. And we need to adjust to one anothers differences in how we are wired. But in this case I am responsible to handle the information I am given. The series is by Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho (it's off to church we go)

And let's be happy about it! Every mom knows the saga of preparing to go out the door,
TO BE ON TIME TO WORSHIP GOD, and look pulled together, with baby clean, changed and for many of us baby's siblings as well. How many times did I say "Don't you go outside to play now! Stay clean!" As if they couldn't find a way to get dirty staying inside, clever kids with their built in dirt magnets....
Meanwhile its checklist time:
                                 kids all fed
                                 everyone clean and dressed
                                 quiet snacks packed                 
                                 extra clothes for every child    
                                 wet wipes                              
                                 quiet toys 
                                 paper and pencils
                                 Bible (as if I will get to open it)
Ok, ok, I'm ready to go. Let's go. You all get in and buckle up. Oh my gosh! I 'll be out soon. I have to change the diaper again and baby's outfit and try to wash off the spit up and blow dry my outfit...
"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16
There were times when it hardly seemed worth it but what held me fast was wanting them to know from early on- This is what we do as a family. As part of our worship we gather with other believers.
Hang in there! Establishing values takes time, but in the end is so worth it. (and just so you know, while age 18 may be legal adult age it is not the end yet) And I really never believed it when I was told, but it is true this baby/toddler time will be over before you know it. Take it one day at a time. Breathe and pray and try to enjoy even the crazy moment stuff knowing your own character is being built in the mix by God who makes it all work out for good cause we love Him and are called for His purposes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More on Heels (this time the bread end kind)

I caught myself midstream about to believe a lie today! Did you know that contrary to what I would like to believe, French Toast made with bread ends has just as many calories as French Toast made from the other parts of the loaf of bread?!!  There seems to be a theory in the Motherhood life that if it is food children won't eat and I do therefore eat it, it will be calorie free. Oh and won't count as food eaten so I can still eat a full meal besides.
Wow! How often do I tell myself that? I don't really say it to myself but it is part of my belief system evidently since smooth as melting butter in a hot skillet, I was about to eat the piece made from the heel of the bread as I slipped it from the spatula! Because it was made from the heel. Because no one else here would likely want it (how picky is that?) and I had made it to use up the rest of the egg mixture anyway.
And knowing full well I would eat more after they left for school and my husband for work.
Truth just kind of ran interference for me today. Just blocked that piece of untruth manifesting as an extra piece of calorie filled French Toast from entering my mouth. At least from entering without foreknowlege of what I was doing (believing something untrue). The French Toast heel is still on the plate. I did eat some F.T. before everyone was gone but only 2 slices this time no 3rd piece believing I am "obligated" to eat what the others won't so food isn't wasted. I guess in the name of a good deed or mom martyrdom there are no calories either...
Finally Moms (and others), what ever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good reports, virtuous and praiseworthy, meditate on these things, and the peace of God will be with you... Phillippians 4:8-9 (my paraphrase). No more just going through the motions when I am cooking. I should pay attention and not  nibble on what I am cooking to make sure it tastes good and then because it really does eat some more! How fun is that?! Not at all! Ok all things in moderation then. I will still test and taste of course but but pay attention and not lie to myself that it doesn't count. How is that?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cervical Pillows (and high heel shoes)

I could have called this "What goes around (comes around)". If  any of you remember my note on "Every Wind of Doctrine" on face book a few months back, I mentioned rolling a little towel or blanket to place under my childrens necks when they were grade school age and younger, as they laid on their backs to sleep. All in the cause of straight teeth...I didn't keep it up for long. Now flash forward to 2010. I have visited the chiropractor and she has not only advised but provided a cervical pillow for me to use as I sleep at night. You might have guessed, even if you have not used one, its purpose is not to grow my teeth in straight! No it is to help in the treatment of realignment of my back which shows some scoliosis and the misalignment of my hips and neck causing numbness in my arm . I honestly had to laugh as I sat in her office and she let me know this was how I would be sleeping. It is pretty much along the lines of the towel behind the neck idea...Well kids just so you know, God has provided not revenge, no. Let's see what is the word? I guess a taste of my own medicine! I know more than one word.
Though perhaps those years of pregnancy and nursing babies may have had to do with some of the misaligning...No guilt intended but just was about 23 of my 55 years all total. And then carrying all the needed equipment around like diaper bags stuffed because I was like a boyscout and always needing to be prepared...and carseats and snowsuited children...Poor me, I know!
In all fairness though, I do also love high heels! I mean I really do! And I was also informed on my now second visit "no heels higher than 2 inches". I wanted to pull a tape measurer out right then and there because I of course had my fairly new high heel boots on. Silly me even wearing them to the chiropractor but I figured there is no point pretending I wear flats all the time. Because honestly unless its flip flops or very occaisionally tennis shoes, I wear shoes or boots with a heel. The bright side is I will get some new shoes! Did in fact find a pair of super cute low heel winter boots on clearance which are drying from their waterproofing as I write. I don't expect to never wear my heels ever but will wear them much less and I will continue using my new torture pillow. I did write torture and it isn't- but it is a big adjustment no play on words intended.
 I am looking at a verse in Amos 7;7-8 where God is showing the prophet a plumb line  and is using it to measure the straightness of his people. I need to continually use His word to straighten my life. To keep it aligned if you will with the things that He says are right and good. And just the way He is using some natural things to straighten my back, I can do daily things to make spiritual adjustments too. It makes me function better in every way though it may be uncomfortable at first. But in this case maybe since it took a while to get in the shape I am in I can expect a bit of pain before my gain. I was warned about that and do find it is true. So wouldn't you say it's best I do the daily stuff so it isn't a worse pain later? I am trusting you to be honest with me- I am guessing none of you are making a chiropractic commission here! And you probably don't sell newbalance shoes or such. Ladies what are your favorite shoes? Are they always the most comfortable? Do you go primarily for function? Or do you go for fashion statements in your style? I could do another whole thing on shoes alone and maybe someday will but it is time to pick up Lily from school! Oh and the boots I had on? They were a 3 inch heel. One inch too high!

Monday, January 4, 2010

They're Back! (at school that is)

First day back to school after Christmas break. I frankly was not looking forward to today. Many mom's probably don't feel the same way but it isn't that I don't like the hours to myself (I do)...they are not exactly lady of leisure hours true enough...I guess I don't enjoy the slamming into the school morning rush. It is still dark for one. And its super cold right now. And school days don't end when they come home. There is usually residual known as homework for the evenings. We have issues with adhd also. More and more I have considered homeschooling options. It used to be me balking at that. Now it is my kids. Not that they don't like some of the features of homeschooling. The biggest draw back in their point of view is missing other people interaction.
So here we are back to the if you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him and he will gladly tell you...and He doesn't resent my asking but I do need to believe He will tell me and not be doubtful (james 1:5-6). There has been alot of doubting perhaps in the decision process. So many pros and cons for all forms of schooling and I have been checking them out. As for today they are back. As for today there are numerous things waiting for my attention here at home and out and about. So time to get on with the ones I haven't touched yet this morning because I am not homeschooling and can arrange my hours accordingly...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wearisome Work (the house kind)

You would think since my last blog had to do with being tired of dishes that I moan and complain about all housework. I don't. It is now ending the 2nd week of Christmas break (or to be understood in a politically correct way-Winter break) extra activities and decorations which I frankly kept to a minimum this year and it still seems like alot to put away. The house needs vacuuming and you guessed it there is no one home but me at the moment to do that task but there will be kids and friends over some time today and one I haven't met yet so for some ridiculous reason I don't want my home to be seen in this midstream holiday life style. That is to say "messy". In nearly every room. Well ok honesty dictates I admit it is every room not just nearly.
I have heard a thought that a womans house is a reflection of herself or an extention of herself so maybe that is why messy bothers me. I don't want to be messed up...and even if I am sometimes dealing with issues, I don't want to always be vulnerable about them. Because does that reflect Jesus very well? Some how I forget He traveled dirty, dusty roads through mountains and got his feet dirty. I am figuring His sweat glands worked so He likely got sweaty (and I wonder did He ever have morning breath like the rest of us). He spit in mud to make a paste to put on a blind mans eyes for healing. He touched "unclean" people without fear. He told Martha she was busy about many things but her sister had chosen well to sit at His feet and eat and drink the things of the Spirit- my paraphrase. I know he wasn't saying housework was bad or to be neglected forever but being frantic about it and assuming it was at that moment more important than what Mary chose was off! Maybe it was prideful even.
I guess the vacuuming will get done in a bit and decorations down but I do think before people come in I will lay down and rest this cold winter afternoon and fight off the headcold that wants to take over my head. And I will tell myself to be ok with it too (though I am sure it will be a struggle and how restful is that!?) Even letting you in on this little picture of my life is hard because it shows me in my imperfection. But you know where I am usually most comfortable is where others are comfortable and living in their homes...I want my home to be welcoming not just picture perfect though the pictures are quite pretty they are just that arranged photos not real life. So here I go on with the living.