Monday, May 23, 2011

The Ants Go Marching (one by one)

 Nothing like an ant dropping into your coffee cup and taking a swim...

Even toddlers know this tune. Doesn't it sound so happy and friendly when they march it out with their little voices all rejoicing  "the little one stopped to pick up sticks, HURRAH HURRAH!"?
Nothing to indicate the annoyances of ants as we enter into rainy ant season and their obsessive determination that what is mine is theirs. And my equal determination to let them know it absolutely is NOT!

Why don't they look at me like a Goliath sized creature and cower in fear? Why do they show more fearlessness than the Children of Israel did when they faced their Goliath or the giants in the promised land they were supposed to take? Or more fearlessness than me when I am wanting to share introduce Jesus to someone who seems to have their life together but still needs a Savior when all is said and done.

Of course having ants invade reminded me of the scripture  " Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise!" book of proverbs 6:6. They have some good characteristics evidently. Things like strategic position in rank and being industrious and carrying far more than their weight in food to supply the home team.

Even so, there are definitely more of the ants than there are of me of various sorts no less and they are inside my house! Running all over the boundaries that keep most of nature out and those of us who are not appreciative of all aspects of nature such as bugs, poison ivy, weather too wet or hot or cold, provided with a haven to get out of those things.

I am trying to avoid using poisonous sprays on them in the home at this current time but am seriously about to let that go. I have laid ant traps in hidden places where ants go and hopefully toddlers don't (we know how that can go!) They are guaranteed to have ants carry its left overs home to the nest and destroy it's inhabitants. Well that is a great strategy anyway. I need to remember that when engaging in the skirmishes the spiritual enemy sends my way. Don't just hit what is at the surface. Go to the root of things and deal with it there. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Oh and if you have any thing that has worked for you on ant riddance will you let me know?...Thanks!

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