Saturday, April 16, 2011

June Cleavers Apron (or Aunt Bea take your pick)


I learned all over again this morning WHY June Cleaver and Aunt Bea always wore aprons around the house. I mean I remember them always having an apron on unless they were going out or had guests in and were finally sitting down to eat. For those of you who are younger by many years than I am, these women were icons in the television world as seen on Leave It To Beaver and Andy of Mayberry and streamed regularly into our lives during what was then rather limited viewing hours. (remember the Star Spangled Banner coming on at midnight followed by static signaling night owls needed to get to bed? No? Ok, you are way younger than me)
Last night I was tackling dishes and the drain was a little sluggish. I grabbed my bleach bottle which was handily standing nearby from the last time major colds had hit the home and I felt a need to soak things in soapy bleach water.  I wanted to pour just a bit down the drain. Was I wearing my apron? NO I WAS NOT! Do I own any? Why YES, I do as a matter of fact. I just don't wear them all day long. They are there for when I cook Easter or any other holiday dinner and am still dressed up after church. I think I even have one or two that belonged to my grandma who was much better about using them being of the June Cleaver generation.
I was wearing a very favorite long black shirt and knew I was engaging in risky behavior laying my hand on that bleach bottle. Until this morning when I put said black shirt on again (umhmmm, I do rewear things the next day depending on how they were used the day before.. and of course jeans are reworn many times over before washing). I saw in the mirror what seemed to be a fleck of light colored lint on my shirt.
On closer inspection and repeated attempts to pick it off (my glasses were not on ok?) I discovered the dastardly truth. One teeny tiny splash of bleach had found a home on the f r o n t o f m y f a v o i t e b l a c k s h i r t ! Do you know how well bleach works when you don't want it to? It was an excellent example of the scripture "though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow". I am so grateful that the blood Jesus shed for me does not leave a spot of sin behind in my life. That He made a way for me to be washed inside white as snow or now in this example white as bleach on a black shirt. Seems appropriate for this Easter season.
I have to tell you what I did though. I did not leave that spot on my favorite shirt to remind me of Jesus. I got out a black magic marker and colored it in...Hey creativity is from Him too..And it worked...

1 comment:

  1. What a great analogy about sin...bummer about the shirt. I'm glad the Sharpie took care of it!
