Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Sound of Silence (the morning drive to school)

Today was a morning slammed into rather than gently eased into. Rather than prepared for the night before. Rather than cheerily breezed into. Oh I did have a few moments of
devo time in my couch corner but probably needed a whole spa worth of time in the Word and maybe even at a honest to goodnes spa place! My poor family..as mom's morning goes so is the tone for their day started...
However as I told Lydia yesterday I carry enough mommy guilt . I frequently must remember it isn't mine to carry. Most of it relates to the sheer humanity of being a mom and constant juggling of schedules, food, finances, emotional and physical well being of those of various ages from small to tall in my care. And there is a whole lot, as moms everywhere know, packed into each of those 5 categories being juggled. Let us not forget that some of us for various reasons also "work outside the home" in different capacities for differing amounts of time. I find that when I am interviewing women for an insurance quote I ask "Do you work outside the home also?" Just want to validate what is done at home and for family as WORK and worthy work at that.
Ah but I am getting off track in my thought process.
So by the time we had figured out who was taking what car where for all the places needed to be at by 8 am and after, by the time I had pulled together and packed  hasty
lunches with what was on hand and today it was slim (we would have been fine for eating if it was at home)for a toddler and two teens, made coffee, brushed my teeth, made sure said teens were up and moving, fed dogs and a cat, made french toast for everyones breakfasts, threw clothes on, had a hurried conversation on mortgage refinance and paying bills (something that should not be hurried through!!!) brief prayer with Marty and got out the door all in 45 minutes I knew the kids would be late. If we could have left 5 minutes sooner well maybe you know how it goes too.
Traffic is different just leaving even 5 minutes earlier or later I have found. So today we found ourselves behind a school bus. My heart sinks thinking of it and I am not even behind it anymore. So I tried a different approach.
"Thank you God for that school bus driver. Bless them. Thank you for a person willing to get so many children to and from school safely. Bless Jamie Lord (my friend who drives one).
And thank you Lord for the school my kids are at this year. Thank you for the good it has been in our lives, for more people who care genuinely about them. Thank you that they are playing basketball this year and they are healthier for it.
Thank you Lord even for this sound of silence on the drive (even if it is representative of exhaustion this morning) this silence is a calming thing for me. Bless my kids and give them a good day inspite of the rushed and tired start. Help them and make them strong and able to learn what they are taught. Bless their teachers..."
And then I remembered after dropping them off the song I had taught my class sunday and my grandbabies yesterday, sung to the tune of When the Saints Go Marching In..
Oh thank You God
Oh thank You God
Oh thank You God for what You've done
You've blessed my home and my family
Thank You God for what You've done
Was still tired when I got back about 8:30. Ate leftover chili for breakfast, fell asleep in the tub, washed my hair, unloaded the dishwasher, started getting ready for the office and then, well then unloaded here. I hope you can identify. God has NOT left us even when we are brain and bone weary. Nothing can separate us from His love and as mom's we get that. Nothing separates me from loving my children as imperfect as I may be at times and inspite of any of their imperfect moments.
I am loved and so are you!

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