Monday, November 8, 2010

Nearly Breathless (two toddlers under two today)

Such loving, trusting eyes! All four of them! No its not an alien. Its my most local living grandaughters paired up today because it is Monday and that is most generally the day when both of them are here with me. Anni and Neena as they call each other are both under two years  adorable and extremely mobile in every conceivable way. If it is walking forward, sideways,backwards or running, tripping and climbing, chattering, reaching up to be held bringing an owie to be kissed, book to be read, a Barbie to be dressed, looking for food or sippy cup, songs to be sung, diaper to be changed, nose to be wiped, hands and face to be washed on Monday it is times two.
And Grandma's (or MA or MEEMA depending on who is calling), heart rate is clipping along at a rapid rate and hopefully burning some calories for me. "We" made blueberry muffins today which I ate and they have not yet.
They have been good together for most of the morning and now at a bit past noon are down for naps, all little sing song voices have quieted and I am here and thinking of calls to make and stuff to do when actually what I want is to take a nap myself! Neena's daddy has now gone to work. So even with him here pitching in (and he really does!) I find myself in this state.I am definately not the young mommy person I was when mine were this age!
Of course I was also up earlier than everyone for school prep and devotional time. Filled out two sets of sports forms. Helped locate a missing practice jersey which when it was found realized it really was me who moved it in the first place!!!Made school lunches, simple breakfasts, made and drank coffee, drove teens to school, discussed money with Marty, all before Neena and her daddy were awake. Have been on facebook and looked at pictures with Anni. Registered for an online webinar for life insurance sales, sung the clean up song while we each picked up toys in nearly every room played in today...
Whatever you do whether in play or work or relationships with people big or small.. do all to the glory of God- my 1 Corinthians 10:31 paraphrase
I hope my simple, ordinary yet "breathtaking" doings bring Him glory. And I remember how Paul recognized Timothy's Mother and Grandmother for the foundation of faith laid in him as he grew up. So I endeavor to follow that. I love to hear their little voices say "Jesus!" when I ask them about Him...I love that they have parents who show them living for Him and honoring Him is a normal part of life. I think the nap (short one of course) is going to win for now.

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