Thursday, December 17, 2009

If I Say To This Mountain (it's dishes I'm talking about)

     After years of doing dishes, today they are a mountain I just do not want to climb! And they are in fact, a mountain I did not want to climb yesterday either evidently so it looms larger today. And they are a mountain that will not go away by my speaking to it. Now I might speak to myself. Or if my kids were home I might speak to them and see some results but this is a mountain to "climb" and conquer. And just how is it this task can be so threatening really? I am just simply tired of it!
     Alright. It is small compared to other challenges we face in life. I am remembering being up every 20 minutes between two kids throwing up an all that goes with the flu until 3 in the morning the other night. (my son told me he finally just stopped getting me and laid down on the bathroom floor for a while) Well that was a challenging mountain of a weekend. The following mountain range was washing all bedding, disinfecting  bathrooms, bedrooms, door handles and dishes while getting their stomachs back to recieving food. And some have on going health issues that are mountains we speak to in prayer but must also put hands and feet to. My believing must be an active thing. A faith with works thing. Some things God just wants our physical involvement in. It is part of being a mature human made in His image.
     And I fully recognize God spoke and things happened. Amazing, awesome, ongoing things. But when it came to animals and birds he formed them from the ground. Adam and Eve, man and woman, He formed and fashioned dust and a rib (pulled from the inside of a body no less! I used to picture that as a clean white bone so sanitary but really now ...) He was hands on active in that part of creation. So being in His image? Well yeah. I will speak to some things as He did but I will also be hands on and usually in the dirty things of day to day life partnering with him in the things that develop little growing humans into fully functioning adults
...For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could say to this mountain,
'Move!' and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible. 
Matthew 17:20.  

Just a partial picture, but it is time to go do some mountain climbing!
 At some point anyway. My grandbaby just woke up.

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