Saturday, April 19, 2014

In My Easter Bonnett (with all the frills)

     We must have had at least 7 of our 8 kids at the time this happened but it was Easter fast approaching. Traditionally I tried to outfit all of us with new clothes  for the occasion. Obviously that is a financial feat, not to mention the time involved shopping and hoping the clothes would be something the kids could still be using through the year not just the few hours of one day. The mental gymnastics of that alone stymie me thinking back, but it was important to me.

     That particular year was a year of changes. Not happy ones. It involved changes that impacted our finances, so splurges on outfits to celebrate Easter just were not in order. I will admit it was hard for me to accept. Maybe some of you don't have the clothing tradition thing going on for your Easter celebration, so wonder why in the world it was a big deal anyway. After all look at the above mentioned stress I was being saved from (the bright side I guess). Even though I was trying to correct my focus with the sunny side of things I was really and truly, flat out disappointed.

     So I defaulted  to what I knew to to God about it ...which really probably contained a good measure of whining and complaining to start with.
And God talked back.

     Not in a booming voice from the heavens but in that place inside my spirit where He chooses to dwell with us. I heard His word coming back to me telling me this particular Easter would be about putting on the "New man" and clothing myself in the fruit of the Spirit. Of course I would wear clothes too just not brand new.
     Could I possibly lay aside the traditions I was comfortable with and wanted to continue in, to allow Him to shine through me? Could it be enough to put on love, patience, kindness, gentleness, long suffering, joy, peace, self-control, and goodness (not the right order but I am pretty sure the order does not matter for this writing).

     I could dress in Easter finery and have a perfectly lovely and true character obviously. God was not condemning the desire at all. But when the rubber hits the road and I have disappointments what kind of woman am I? Can I be a woman of character? You know the saying "pretty is as pretty does"? Love looks good on us.

I still like new clothes. I still like to give them to my kids. When all is said and done though our appearance is the picture frame to our character. Our character is the real picture.

Hoping you have a beautiful Easter Sunday remembering the
RESURRECTION and putting on Christ....He loves you!

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